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Pawpaw (papaya) and tomatos locally grown / Foodland Avarua / photos: Archi

Pawpaw (papaya) and tomatos locally grown / Foodland Avarua / photos: Archi

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food, drinks - forgotten items - souvenirs - or just for fun
Shopping (Groceries)

A small grocery store is about 100 metres to the left along the main road. This is open 7 days a week from 6am to 11pm (closed between 9am – 12 noon on Sundays). The stores in ‘downtown’ Avarua open between 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday and 8am - 12 noon on Saturdays. Foodland Supermarket and CITC Supermarket closes 4 hours later.

Please help yourself to the complimentary fresh fruit bowl and sparkling wine in your room on your arrival.

Small shops usually have a limited range of fresh fruit such as pawpaws and oranges. Good places to buy fruit are at the market just past the Avarua centre, Foodland in Avarua and at the CITC Foodcentre opposite Avatiu wharf in town.

Wigmore’s Superstore is about 500 metres this side of the Sheraton Resort site in the village of Titikaveka. Wigmore’s opens on Sundays from 6am - 9am, and again from 2pm - 9pm.

Scattered around the island are lots of little side stalls that provide fresh veges, fruit and cooked meals too

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•• Sokala Villas • PO Box 82 • Rarotonga • Cook Islands • Tel: + 682 / 29200 • villas@sokala.co.ck ••